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Viikonloppupuutarhurin jorinoita / Musings of a weekend gardener

tiistaina, maaliskuuta 07, 2006

Same old story

No change in weather. More light, more snow, more cold.

I created an Excel worksheet based on my gardening diary so I'll be able to easily assess how this spring will compare to a few previous ones. It's quite slow work to go through all the notes and find the relevant details like when I saw the first butterfly or the wood anemones began to bloom.

Luckily I'm a meticulous notekeeper. When I can be bothered to do it, that is. I either have extensive notes or none at all :)

This picture is yet again another misnamed plant. It was supposed to be a light pink, tall Dahlia, but it turned out to be hot pink and rather short in height. Still gorgeous though.

Olen täysin unohtanut mainostaa jälleen uutta puutarhablogia: Orvokkeja ovenpielessä, olkaa hyvät :)
