Frost bites
Näillä säillä on hienoa omistaa koira. Ihan oikeesti. Ilman sitä kukaan ei olisi onnistunut vakuuttamaan minua lähtemään eilen ulos kahdeksi tunniksi nauttimaan siitä kauneudesta, minkä viime viikon lumipyry ja eilinen auringonpaiste saivat aikaan.
Puutarha-aiheista sanottavaa... umm.... Siemenluetteloita tipahtelee edelleen postiluukusta. Kauppilalla oli kaupan root trainerseja, joita olen himoinnut jo vuosia. Saisikohan niitä jostain muualtakin?
Finland has been enjoying quite cold weather recently. It's been -20C every day since last Wednesday. We apparently have a cold spell like this about every third winter. The cold has been accompanied by lovely sunshine and since the cold also brought snow, the nature has truly been doing it's best to look like the Winter Wonderland.
I only use pictures taken in my garden on this blog, but this blog can give you an idea what it looks like here at the moment.
Below is the southern view (at sunset) from my garden taken at Christmas 2004. The cottage (and garden) is surrounded by farmland to the south and woods to the north. It's located on a small hill and is quite private, we only have two farms as neighbours.
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